Community Solar Program for Roseville Electric Utility, CA
The City of Roseville is a leader in providing clean, locally-controlled energy to businesses and residents. In 2018, the City partnered with Optony to create a strategic marketing and customer acquisition plan for a new community solar program, “Roseville Solective.” The photovoltaic power plant is connected directly to the City’s distribution grid and expected to provide enough annual energy for several hundred households. With help from the solar development partner, Clean Focus Renewables, Optony supported development of the 1 MW, pilot community solar farm at the Roseville Energy Park by designing the program’s enrollment process and internet resources, and creating a strategy for customer care and community outreach. Roseville Solective was the first community solar program in California offered by a municipal utility and Optony continues to assist the utility in identification of future program benefits to both customers and the utility.