Solar Market Pathways for Independent Colleges in Virginia
In 2015, the Council of Independent Colleges in Virginia’s (CICV) Solar Market Pathways project, supported by the U.S. Department of Energy’s SunShot Initiative, brought together private colleges from across Virginia to create a Solar Master Plan, intended to guide the deployment of 30 MW of distributed solar across their campuses by 2020.
Optony acted as project manager and independent energy advisor to the Council of Independent Colleges in Virginia (CICV) for four years, providing tailored solar advisory assistance to 18 CICV’s member schools including project site identification, feasibility assessments, savings modeling, project planning, RFP creation and distribution, convening and scoring of responses, and stakeholder communication and collaboration for all participating schools. In 2018, CICV asked Optony to lead a second round of procurement for three additional schools. Optony provided similar services including site identification and feasibility assessments for the three schools.