Catholic University Solar Farm
Optony was selected by the Catholic University of America to evaluate options for solar projects on two campus-owned parcels. The University’s on-campus electricity consumption was already offset by a combination of onsite solar and wind renewable energy credits, but the University desired to develop a solar project that would maximize University environmental benefits, while also leading to project revenues and overall financial benefit to the University, the local community, and the greater DC area. Optony completed two solar and energy storage feasibility studies, which included a comprehensive review of the renewable energy credit market in Washington D.C., interconnection limitations, energy off-taker options, and environmental regulations. In addition to a report detailing the physical constraints and opportunities for solar, a primary deliverable of the project was an Excel-based financial modeling tool that listed assumptions as changeable user inputs, and allowed the University to compare various solar system sizes across multiple financing and ownership structures. Optony supported the University through the procurement and contracting process, evaluating multiple compelling proposals from a strong cast of capable developer partners. Optony further supported the University in gaining local approvals to build the solar project, leading to shared benefits to the community, while building neighborhood support. Optony continues to provide advising services in project commissioning, financial arrangements, REC management, and other project development, as construction reaches completion on the largest solar array in the District of Columbia.
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